What We Offer

  • Barrierefreie Beratung und Krisenintervention Accessible Counseling and Crisis Intervention
  • Prävention, Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Prevention, Education, and Public Advocacy
  • Prozessbegleitung Accompaniment to Court and Police
  • angeleitete Selbsthilfegruppe Guided Self-Aid Groups

We’re aiming to support (affected) women and girls, as well as their friends, relatives, and partners, and hope to educate everyone interested.

Accessible Counseling and crisis intervention

… how to reach us?

You can reach our emergency response team from Monday to Friday during opening hours under (0651) 200 65 88 or via email: info@frauennotruf-trier.de [If you’re not able to reach us please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.] During weekends and outside opening-hours you can dial 08000 116 016 and reach the helpline “Violence against Women”.  We can welcome you in our barrier-free building.

… who can reach out to us?

We are primarily supporting women and girls who are or have been facing sexual and gender-based violence, e.g.:

  • Sexual harassment at work
  • Past sexual abuse and/or rape
  • Acute forms of sexual abuse and/or rape
  • All forms of violence

Prevention and Education

Our workshops aim to target different groups, such as

  • Multiplicators like professionals in the social care and education sector
  • teenage students
  • Companies and institutions to inform about sexual harassment at work

Specific contents of our educational workshops can be tailored according to individual requests.

If you’re interested in an educational workshop held by us, please contact us here.

Accompaniment to court trials

If you would like to file a complaint due to sexual harassment, assault, rape, or any similar offence we can support you.

We inform you about complaint and court procedures. If you prefer, we can accompany you to the police as well as to court processes.

Guided Self-Aid Group

Even in times of crises, even in situations that are unbearable, women have a strong determination to end such violence.

However, it’s not only about surviving but about a happy and self-determined life.

Over a cup of tea, women share ideas in a structured format, practice exercises, share helpful information and develop solutions for current situations. 

Meetings: First Tuesday of every month, 5.00 – 6.30 pm at the Women’s Emergency Response Center – you are welcome to join at any time. If you have any questions about the self-aid group, feel free to call us in advance or pass by for a chat in the Centre.
