About Us

The Women’s Emergency Hotline is a specialized counseling center for all incidents of sexual and gender-based violence.

Our Focus:

  • Counseling and Support for Concerned Women
  • Counseling and Support for friends, relatives, and partners of Concerned Women
  • Counseling and training for professionals
  • Preventive Work
  • Educational Workshops
  • Public Relations
  • Political Advocacy


We are women and we work for women.
Our special attention is directed to women who survived sexual and gender-based violence. In our work, we generally side with all women affected. However, we do not consider sexual and gender-based violence as isolated cases. Rather, we assume that this is a social issue based on gender inequality.

We confront this inequality with a strong dedication and commitment to change, with creativity and humor – sometimes even provocatively.

The Organization

The organization “SIE e.V.” is a registered non-profit association and consists of five permanent team members. The team includes an administrator, a psychologist, and a pedagogue working in the women’s emergency response center. Further, a psychologist and a social pedagogue work in the intervention center. Monthly, the organization invites all interested women for a plenum session where current issues are discussed, planned, and voted on.